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Understanding the Architecture of the International Court of Justice (ICJ)


The International Court of Justice(ICJ)[1], commonly known as the World Court, resolves conflicts between states and offers advisory opinion on matters of international law. In addition to its judicial role, the ICJ is located in the renowned Peace Palace, a remarkable architectural achievement that symbolises the principles of peace and justice. This article explores the architectural significance of the Peace Palace, examining how its architecture reflects the objectives and ideals of the court. It also aids in comprehending the organisation and functioning of the ICJ, enabling a better understanding of how it carries out its responsibilities.


The Peace Palace[2] was inaugurated on August 28, 1913, predating the founding of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in 1945. The palace, initially funded by American billionaire Andrew Carnegie, was specifically designed to serve as the residence for the Permanent Court of Arbitration. The architectural design, created by French architect, Louis M. Cordonnier, was chosen through an international competition, representing the idea of worldwide unity and cooperation.


Exterior Design

  1. The Peace Palace’s exterior is distinguished by its Renaissance Revival Architecture Style, deliberately selected to evoke a feeling of magnificence and enduring quality. The symmetrical structure and classical elements of this architecture reflect stability and order, which aligns with the court’s responsibility of upholding international law.
  2. The exterior of the palace is embellished with a number of Symbolic Sculptures and Carvings depicting themes of justice, peace, and other nations. One notable statue is the statue of Lady Justice, which represents impartiality and fairness. Additionally, there are allegorical depictions of peace depicted by many mythological and historical figures.
  3. The International Gardens encompassing the Peace Palace are beautifully designed, with each distinct area symbolising various nations. The gardens serve as a representation of worldwide unity and offer a peaceful setting for contemplation and learning.
  4. The Carnegie Fountain, a donation from Andrew Carnegie, is located at the entrance to the Peace Palace. The continuous flow of water from the fountain represents the perpetual endeavour for peace and justice, serving as a suitable greeting for those who enter the court.

Interior Design

  1. The heart of the Peace Palace is comprised of the Great Hall of Justice, which serves as the venue for the International Court of Justice’s public hearings. The hall is a remarkable example of architecture, characterised by lofty ceilings, elaborate woodwork, and stained-glass windows portraying scenes of global justice and peace.
  2. The Judges’ Bench, crafted from luxurious mahogany, is situated in the forefront of the Great Hall. Hovering above is a tapestry portraying the symbolic representation of Peace, accompanied by Justice and Law on either side. This visual representation emphasises the Court’s purpose to resolve conflicts with equity and neutrality.
  3. The Peace Palace Library[3] boasts a vast assortment of international law books, making it one of the most comprehensive libraries in existence. The library’s architecture fosters academic inquiry, with expansive windows that facilitate the influx of natural light into the reading rooms, so establishing an alluring and reflective ambiance conducive to legal research.
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Symbolism and Functionality

  1. The architectural layout of the Peace Palace is not just aesthetically appealing but also profoundly significant. The ICJ’s work is reflected in the harmonious integration of many architectural components from numerous cultures, highlighting its universal nature.
  2. The court has undergone modern architectural modifications to enhance both security and accessibility for the public and legal professionals. These changes encompass sophisticated security systems seamlessly incorporated into the historic structure.
  3. The recent restorations have prioritised sustainability by integrating energy-efficient technologies and materials that comply with modern environmental regulations, all while maintaining the building’s historical authenticity.


1. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) consists of 15 justices who are appointed for nine-year terms by the United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council. The judges must embody the primary manifestations of human society and the fundamental legal frameworks around the globe. The election method is specifically designed to guarantee the Court’s status as a genuinely worldwide institution. The Court chooses a President and Vice-President among its members for a three-year tenure. There is a possibility that they will be re-elected. The President oversees the sessions of the Court and serves as its representative in all external affairs. If the parties involved in a case do not have a judge from their own nationality on the bench, they have the option to nominate a judge ad hoc to take part in the decision-making process for that specific case.

2.  The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has the authority to establish specialised chambers to address specific categories of cases or particular matters. The chambers encompass the following:

  • The Chamber of Summary Procedure deals with pressing cases that necessitate accelerated procedures.
  • The Chamber for Environmental Matters handles cases pertaining to environmental law.
  • The Chamber for marine Delimitation specialises in resolving conflicts related to marine boundaries.

In addition, the Court has the authority to create committees that deal with administrative and procedural issues.

3. The Registry serves as the permanent administrative body of the ICJ, comparable to the secretariat of other international organisations. The Court is responsible for managing non-judicial tasks, which include offering legal and administrative assistance. The Registrar and Deputy Registrar have the responsibility of managing the daily operations of the Court. The individuals are selected by the judges and hold their position for a duration of seven years, with the potential for renewal. The Registry consists of several departments, such as the Legal Department, Information Department, and Translation and Interpretation Department. These divisions provide support in managing cases, conducting research, disseminating public information, and ensuring that all proceedings are carried out in the official languages of the Court, namely English and French.

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1.  The main purpose of the ICJ is to resolve legal conflicts presented by nations and provide expert advice on legal inquiries referred to it by authorised international organs and agencies.

2. The procedural framework of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) is regulated by its Statute and the Rules of Court. The procedure often encompasses multiple phases:

  • Parties must present written submissions, such as memorials, counter-memorials, and answers, that include legal arguments and evidence in support of their case.
  • The Court conducts public hearings in which parties submit their arguments verbally. These hearings provide judges the chance to pose inquiries and solicit elucidations.
  • After the oral procedures, the judges engage in private deliberations and issue a judgement. Decisions are conclusive and legally obligatory for the parties involved.

3. Although the International Court of Justice (ICJ) does not possess direct enforcement capabilities, its rulings and advisory opinions hold considerable impact. States are obligated to adhere to the rulings of the Court, and in case of need, the UN Security Council can be requested to execute the judgements.


The Peace Palace houses the International Court of Justice, a symbol of international law and justice. The structure has Renaissance Revival architecture with symbolic sculptures of peace and justice. The peaceful international gardens and intricate outside architecture depict world harmony. The enormous library and Great Hall of Justice evoke seriousness and academic pursuit. The Court’s specialty chambers and Registry help resolve international conflicts. The Palace has modern renovations to remain a secure, accessible, and ecologically friendly symbol of global collaboration and legality.




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