Tatva Legal, Hyderabad adds former Trilegal counsel as corporate partner

Tatva Legal, Hyderabad has expanded its corporate practice with the addition of Prateek Batra as a partner. Batra was previously a counsel at Trilegal. 

With 11 years of corporate experience that includes stints at Samvad Partners, Khaitan & Co, AZB & Partners, and Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co, Batra became a counsel at Trilegal in 2022. 

He has experience with domestic and cross-border transactions and corporate advisory, particularly in the real estate and renewable energy space.

Trilegal has seen a spate of counsel-level exits in recent times, as mid-career lawyers look at different options to quicken their path to partnership. Pooranimaa Hariharan left the firm to join the partnership at Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas in July, while Anurag Shrivastav moved to a partner role at JSA Advocates & Solicitors in May. 

Also Read:  Gravitas Grows Delhi Office With Hires From Sarthak, In-House

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