In Conversation With Anirudh Suresh On Running An Independent Practice, Changing Trends in Arbitration, Getting Attention from the Media & More

Anirudh Suresh is a 1st Generation Corporate Lawyer with expertise in corporate and commercial litigation. His success story was recently featured on Brut. as he was recognised among Top 50 Disputes Lawyers in Asia (Litigation and Arbitration) by Thomson Reuters on the basis of his work, market feedback and client recommendations.

Anirudh earlier headed the Delhi office of Bathiya Legal wherein he headed the North Indian Litigation practice in the firm and regularly appeared before various High Courts in India, Supreme Court of India, National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) across India and the NCLAT. He also oversaw Private Equirty transactions when the buy side or sell side was based in Delhi.

1. As a first-generation lawyer, what motivated you to establish a Pan-India Law firm? How did you navigate the challenges?

Anirudh: I was practicing with a law firm – Bathiya Legal as head of their Delhi office wherein i was running an office under support and guidance of my mentors from head office. I got lot of exposure here and then thought to relocate back to my hometown Bangalore and start from scratch.

2. Do you think India is equipped enough to adapt to more alternative dispute resolution mechanisms like Mediation and arbitration over litigation?

Anirudh: Arbitration is not viable for most of them except large corporations. It takes time to initiate arbitration since we need to first approach the High court for appointment of arbitrator during which we need to approach the court for interim reliefs if any. It ultimately leads to multiple litigations which doesn’t make much sense since many cities are now equipped with commercial courts. I therefore always advise my clients to abstain from the arbitration clause since it doesn’t serve any purpose since the judges in commercial courts are much more competent and knowledgeable than members in tribunal in general. I mean no offence here. 

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3. One of your main emphasis has been to reduce delays in resolution. Can you please share insights on how you achieved swift orders from the NCLT and Commercial courts within specific time frames?

Anirudh: We ensure that we file pleadings on time and never go to court with an intention to seek adjournment. And i make use of summary provision (Order 37) whenever possible to get judgements/decree in less than 6 months.

4. Are there any trends or legal developments that you’ve witnessed in the area of minority shareholder rights? How does one effectively advocate for them?

Anirudh: There is no definite answer to this. The majority always try to dominate and therefore the minority shareholders are required to be advised whenever an oppressive conduct is established to ensure that precautions and steps are taken as per the companies act in a timely manner. Most importantly, the financial strength comes into picture irrespective of the law since the majority when having better financial strength can file n number of suits left right and center under all possible clauses in various statutes. 

5. You’re associated with various bar associations and arbitration centers. How have these memberships enhanced your professional growth and the firm’s ability to handle cases nationwide?

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Anirudh: This enables to meet members who are like minded and build a strong relationship after which we can confidently handle cases in various cities especially with the help of online hearings since Covid. 

6. You have extensive experience in handling insolvency and restructuring matters. How do you approach these complex cases to ensure successful outcomes?

Anirudh: Since the area of law is new and evolving everyday, reading is an important aspect. And maintaining a good track record of successful outcomes further boosts the confidence of our clients to rely on us. 

7. You receive a lot of media attention and award recognitions from time to time. How does it feel?

Anirudh: I try to refrain from getting any such attention. I have kept these accolades in my office but it’s in such a manner that no one can notice where it is. I would like to be recognised by the knowledge i possess. 

8. Do these accolades influence your approach while pitching to new clients or trying to retain existing ones?

Anirudh: I don’t think so. Clients are always looking for competent lawyers to handle any situation that arise and once they learn that we are more than able to handle the situation, one would not need to influence using these accolades 

9.  What advice do you give to those looking to build a career in corporate law?

Anirudh: Question everything that you see so that your knowledge grows on a daily basis.

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