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Why Placement Cells in Top Law Schools Need To Take Campus Recruitment More Seriously


Campus recruitment has become vital in determining the career paths that students of law will follow. As a matter of fact, this expectation is even higher in the case of reputed schools of law. However, the efficiency of the placement cells in facilitating successful recruitment often varies, with some cells underperforming compared to their potential. Considering the changing regulatory environment and increasing competition, placement cells need to become far more proactive and take on a strategic approach. The emphasis on campus recruitment by the institutions would allow them to align better with market demand, ensure greater outcomes concerning placements, and indeed career prospects of graduates over time.

What is a Placement Cell?

A Placement Cell within the precincts of law schools is a dedicated department responsible for the transition of students from academic life to professional life. It is an interface between students and prospective employers, managing recruitment processes for internships, on-campus interviews, and final placements. The Placement Cell often associates itself with established law firms, in-house corporate legal divisions, public-sector enterprises, and various non-governmental organisations in procuring formalised vacancies for the students. 

The Placement Cell also provides career counselling, workshop, and support to the students in acquiring the key skills like Curriculum Vitae (CV) preparation and interview skills. The role of legal education is critically needed only to prepare students for the needs of the legal profession and employ them in line with their desires for a career and satisfaction. It is only through an effective Placement Cell that prestigious law colleges maintain their reputation and their graduates are able to compete successfully in a high legal market that is super-stressed.

Role of Placement Cells in Law Schools

These are some of the varied responsibilities a Placement Cell might deal with in a law school which are as follows:

  1. They liaise with law firms, corporations, and other legal entities to organise on-campus recruitments, ensuring that students have an array of possibilities.
  2. Individual career guidance through counselling is provided by the Placement Cells in identifying and pursuing career options that would be in tune with their abilities and interests.
  3. They organise workshops and training sessions on the resume writing method, interview technique, and other essential professional skills, which equip them to face the job market.
  4. They assist students in obtaining internships, which are most important for gaining practical experience and building professional links.
  5. Placement Cells add to the visibility and prestige for the school by developing relationships with prospective employers that will eventually help students.


Importance of Campus Recruitment in Law Schools

Campus recruitment is very important to law schools since it fuels the professional future of their students directly. It acts like a bridge between lessons learned inside the four walls of a classroom and their application in real professional practice, thus giving students important opportunities to land internships and permanent positions in various leading legal firms and organisations. Effective campus recruitment does not only add to the job prospects of students but also gives a good name to the school, as it helps to establish the fact that the school can indeed produce professionals who are employable in the market. This will also make the school more attractive to prospective students and top companies, since such a move demonstrates the commitment to further the cause of students in their career pursuit.

It is a very crucial step for students because, through this, they get direct exposure to potential companies and, therefore, may accelerate the process of finding employment. It saves the time and efforts of students looking for job opportunities, thus sparing valuable time for academics and career building. Thus, it becomes very important that the Placement Cells emphasise campus recruitment through well-planned recruitment drives and effective contacts between employers and students. This approach will help maximise the job potential and facilitate better student success in the highly competitive legal field.

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Campus Recruitment through the Placement Cells

  1. Employer Outreach: Placement Cells get in contact with potential employers, including but not limited to law firms, corporations, and government agencies, and invite them for recruitment drives.
  2. Job Postings: These agencies post the job/internship opportunities on one platform that all students can access. The portal shall carry the details of prerequisites, deadlines, and modes of application.
  3. Application Submission: The students send their resumes and cover letters for applying to various opportunities through the Placement Cell, which may be a form of preliminary screening.
  4. Pre-Placement Talks: Employers arrange pre-placement talks and workshops as one way of imparting information about the background of their own organisations and give comprehensive details about their recruitment processes.
  5. Placement for On-Campus Interviews: Cells organise on-campus interviews and provide a platform for interaction between companies and shortlisted candidates for further evaluation.
  6. Selection and Offers: Employment or work-internship offers are to be given to the chosen candidates. The Placement Cell will assist with the necessary administration procedures.
  7. Post-placement: Placement Cells ensure that transition into professional position is smooth by offering feedback and support.


Benefits of Placement Cells in Law Schools

Placement Cells generate enormous dividends on behalf of law students in their post-school transition. They ease contacts for the students with the highest ranked employers to ensure wide exposure to job opportunities and various internships that would hardly be easy to access. It helps in placing students where it interests them, aligning with their career objectives, thus giving them an edge over others in finding gainful employment on graduation.

Besides that, Placement Cells extend valuable assistance through career guidance, courses aimed at skill development, and assistance with the preparation of resumes. This preparatory work supports students in developing the required skills and tools that are necessary for success in interviews and job applications and thus ensures better employability. Placement Cells play an important role in carving the career prospects of law students by managing recruiting procedures and maintaining close liaison with the industry.

Challenges faced

Placement cells across the law schools face many problems at the time of campus recruitment. There is always a prominent challenge of absence of active participation by all the big firms that further reduces the potential target for the students. Other than this, a misalignment between different student abilities and the requirements of the job market has to be balanced so that they can be easily placed. 

Some of the most pressing issues that have emerged in this post-COVID era include campus placement slowing down for law students, especially by major law firms. Most companies are now appreciating candidates who come with some experience, either from practice before joining the company such as 1-2 years Post-Qualification Experience (PQE) rather than fresh graduates. One of the contributing factors to this new trend is financial uncertainty due to the pandemic. Situations compel the firms to think over their hiring strategy. Now, law firms search for entry-level candidates who can get working with minimal training so that they do not waste time and money without productivity while providing extensive onboarding processes to newly graduated students. Demand for PQE 1 and PQE 2 candidates are on the rise compared to absolute freshers.

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This calls for law schools and Placement Cells to be more innovative and proactive in their approach to the trend. One of such approaches is the filling of an experience gap by deepening more relations with law firms to provide more internships and pre-graduation work opportunities. This could be supplemented with industry-specific training programs and live projects while attending law school so that the students are exposed to experience that is essential to satisfy the exigencies of firms. Placement Cells may further negotiate hybrid hiring models under which some firms hire fresher graduates for specific positions and experienced hires for others.

Case Studies

Some of the top law schools in India that do have active placement cells include the National legal School of India University (NLSIU) at Bangalore, National Academy of Legal Studies and Research (NALSAR) within Hyderabad, National Law University (NLU) in Delhi, and National Law Institute University (NLIU) in Bhopal. 

Internationally acclaimed institutions of learning that lay most emphasis on career placement services are the Harvard Law School, Yale Law School, and the Stanford Law School along with the Faculty of Law under the aegis of the University of Cambridge. All these institutions have highly effective career placement cells that link students with leading law firms, thus enabling seamless and successful career transitions.

Scope of Placement Cells regarding Campus Recruitment in future

Placement Cells will surely adapt themselves to the ever-evolving legal market and play a significant role in years to come in the campus recruitments in law schools. The technological improvements and changes in the industry requirements will ensure that for an effective facilitation of students with the businesses, Placement Cells deploy artificial intelligence and data analytics. Also, they would be developing international links that provide global opportunities, as well as specialist career support for new areas of the law. Amidst growing intense competition, they encourage students to engage effectively with employers and utilise professionally developed personalised careers services so that they stay competitive and prepared for a legal career.


If a smooth transition from academic training to professional success is to be ensured, Placement Cells will have to assume a proactive and strategic campus recruitment role as the future of students lies in their hands. By addressing the gaps that exist, deploying technology, and forging closer links with the employers, Placement Cells will go a long way in improving placement prospects and facilitating better job opportunities for students in a fiercely competitive legal job market. The development in the legal profession means that Placement Cells cannot afford to lag behind in improving recruitment processes if the reputation of elite law schools is to be upheld and student success promoted.


  1. Omkar Prabhune, Understanding the College Placements System (Mar 5, 2022),
  2. Jain University, Why is the Placement Cell an integral part of a University? (Mar 12, 2021), 
  3. Asian Law College, Significance of a good Placement and Incubation Cell at a top Law Institute (June 18, 2019), 



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